Chronicles of the Black Fist has been completely self-financed. All hired hands are high-profile professionals, who are well-known and working in the industry. The first issue is complete. If the campaign is successful, it's off to the printer and delivered directly into your hands! Along with your help and support, NOTHING can stop this from being a success!
Legends of the Black Fist
Driven by the grief and rage experienced at the death of one too many black bodies, A local firefighter turns vigilante—-The Legendary Blackfist!
This new guardian of Bluffington, Tennessee must uncover the truth about a crime wave(intended to frame and oppress the poorest citizens) while protect his family and cope with a secret that threatens to jeopardize everything before he can ever make a difference!
Can King save the city without losing himself?
In addition to the Black Fist Series®solo art installation in at Memphis Slim Collaboratory, is an exclusive announcement for those of you who were kind enough to join us. The end of the series is never the end. Black Fist Series® is traveling all over the world and the themes and ideas expressed in the paintings will now go into story form in a fourteen issue limited series comic called Legends of the Black Fist that is currently in development with Quinn McGowan and LEGENDS PRESS Comics. This is your first exclusive look into the larger story...
Black Fist Characters
"Happy Halloween!”
Even the kids love the legendary Black Fist.